Welcome to SCAM!
The 14th edition of SCAM is co-located with ICSME 2014 held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The conference venue is The Fairmont Empress, 721 Government Street Victoria BC.
The aim of the International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis & Manipulation (SCAM) is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on theory, techniques and applications which concern analysis and/or manipulation of the source code of computer systems. While much attention in the wider software engineering community is properly directed towards other aspects of systems development and evolution, such as specification, design and requirements engineering, it is the source code that contains the only precise description of the behaviour of the system. The analysis and manipulation of source code thus remains a pressing concern.

Best papers from SCAM 2014 research track will be considered for revision, extension, and publication in a special issue of the Journal of Systems and Software
Call for papers
Call for tool papers
SCAM Participant Questionnaire
Please fill in our questionnaire if you participated in SCAM 2014. Paper questionnaires will be distributed at the conference at the open steering committee meeting. Thanks!SCAM Keynote
Tom Zimmerman will give a keynote at SCAM 2014!
Important dates
standard papers | tool papers | |
Abstracts deadline | 25 June 2014 | 4 July 2014 |
Deadline for paper submission | 2 July 2014 | 8 July 2014 |
Paper notification | 4 August 2014 | 8 August 2014 |
Paper camera ready version | 15 August 2014 | 22 August 2014 |
Working Conference | 28-29 September 2014 | 28-29 September 2014 |