13th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation

22-23 September 2013 - Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Sint-Catherinakerk Eindhoven by Lennart Tange De Blob Eindhoven by Lennart Tange Flying Pins Eindhoven by Lennart Tange Sportbedrijf Strijp by Lennart Tange

Congratulations on getting your work accepted for SCAM 2013! Please prepare a camera ready version of your paper using the following procedure.

  1. Verify that the reviewer comments have been thoroughly addressed.
  2. Verify that the paper meets the following requirements:
    1. Meets the IEEE Computer Society formatting requirements. (Please use the IEEE CS style!)
    2. No page numbers.
    3. Has an appropriate Copyright Notice appearing on the bottom of the first page (please follow the link to see how).
    4. Does not exceed the applicable and strictly enforced page limits (10 pages for research papers and 6 pages for tool papers).
  3. Submit the paper via IEEE PDF eXpress Plus (Instructions), remember to use scam2013xp for the Conference ID).
    1. Verify that the paper is IEEE Xplore compliant and submit it using IEEE PDF eXpress Plus (IEEE PDF eXpress Plus). Please note that passing this compliance test does not guarantee all formatting and copyright requirement conformance. Authors are best advised to closely adhere to the formatting requirements stated in item 2.a.
    2. Ensure that the PDF file name adheres to the appropriate format: <TrackAbbreviation>-<lastname-of-first-author>-<firstname-of-first-author>-<two-keywords-from-title>.pdf (all lowercase). Track abbreviation is rp for research papers and tp for tool papers. For example, the file name for the paper entitled “The Best Bread Slicer in the World” authored by John Doe accepted in the research track would be rp-doe-john-bread-slicer.pdf .
  4. Complete the IEEE Copyright Form and email a PDF copy to zalewski@indiana.edu with the subject line scam13 <filename from 3.b above> copyright form.
  5. Register for the conference. For papers accepted in either track at least one author must register by the early registration deadline and present the paper.

Direct all questions related to the final submission to zalewski@indiana.edu, please put [SCAM2013] into the email subject.
