Q to Ten: would you expect checked exceptions to travel further in Java as well?
So do exceptions make your code complex?
I wonder what the take home message is about how C++ programmers practice their art? Does this have implications for how IDEs nudge C++ devs?
How prevalent are exceptions in the code you analyzed?
Did you find indication of any patterns how exception handling is usually implemented in C++?
MOAD: to what extent is MOAD affected by the test suite coverage?
Should certain C++ constructs be prevented to make C++ code accessible to static analysis? Did you encounter any problems?
C++ exceptions: is the dataset (reproducibly parseable C++ projects) available openly?
MOAD: How does this relate to Delta Debugging?
What is amenable in this context?
Clarification (static analysis fix generation). How long did it take to produce and negotiate each pull request? Can the PR be generated automatically?
Diego, how many pull requests and fixes have been submitted? (34 pull requests and 775 fixes have been accepted)
Probabilistic vs. Exact: how would one define "probably good"? For instance, what is the probability of a false positive / false negative? (not only slicing!)
SpongeBugs: how are you detecting the issues and the type of changes? Are you considering only the static analysis part and not the quality perspective ?
Shall we change subjects from exception handling?
Rebasing/code reviews: are there any studies that suggest reviewers do indeed find rebasing fatiguing?
Rebasing/review contentious statement: perhaps the title of the paper should be considered harmful generally?